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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Why Charge Shipment with Volume Weight / dimensional Weight Instead of Actual Weight

Many people lament about being cheated, being charged unfairly or overly charged for their shipment, without sufficient knowledge on what determines the shipping cost. Basically, shipments are charged based on size, weight, delivery time or distance. When shipping, it is important that the shipper (supplier) release accurate information on dimensional weight and actual weight to the customers so shipment charges can be forecasted reliably.

Air Freight Shipping to nigeria - Consolidation shippingAir Freight Shipping to nigeria - Consolidation shippingConsolidation Shipping
Size can be said to be the dimensional or volume weight. It is the estimated weight that is calculated from the length, height and width of the package. It is based on size and not actual weight. Mathematically, Dimensional weight = (Length of package * Height of package * Width of package)/ Dimensional divisor.
Actual weight refers to the exact weight of the product plus the packaging of the product. It is the combined weight of the packaging materials, (inside or outside), including the contents kept within.
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Written and posted by: Shalewa Babatayo Ajenipa New Media Executive

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